Use code Spring10 at checkout for 10% off your egg holder and basket purchases!

Stackable Egg Holders

Our egg holders conveniently allow you to keep track of the freshness of your eggs, while not taking up a lot of space, and displaying their beauty. We love all kinds of eggs on our homestead, so we have egg holders for all egg sizes! Don't forget about baskets to collect your eggs and garden harvest in as well!

Egg Holders

Kitchen tools

A new collection to our shop!

Kitchen Tools

Silver goods

A new chapter in our small business silver jewelry

Silver goods

Sourdough Starter

Looking to start your own sourdough journey we offer dehydrated sourdough starter!! Don’t forget to check out our kitchen tools collection to add to your cart as well as sourdough starter!


Beeswax Wraps

A great way to ditch the plastic wrap and bags!

Beeswax Wraps

Fire starters

The best way to start a fire quick and easy! Plus they smell amazing!! Great gift idea!

Fire starters

DnD Goodies

For the DnD enthusiasts!

DnD Goodies

Wooden Toys

Collection of wooden toys, such as swords, daggers, wands, and more!

Wooden Toy

Door Tags

Door tags are our newer lines of product. There is a door tag for every occasion!

Door Tags

Home Decor

Check out our ever growing line of home decor! Seasonal, year round, and custom decor.

Home Decor

Shipping and other important information

Stackable Egg Holders

About Us

Hi there! We are Josh and Brittany, owners of TriPeak Goods and homesteaders on 20 acres in rural Montana. Just a year ago we had been backyard homesteaders in a small Montana town and felt called to a new season of life towards self-sufficiency. We took the plunge in April, 2022 and sold our home, purchased and renovated an RV, bought 20 acres of raw land, and jumped into our small business full time! Our dreams of becoming full blown homesteaders came to life! Our lives are full of homeschooling our four children, making egg holders and harvest baskets, renovating a shed into a tiny home, caring for and loving on all the animals we are now able to have, gardening, preserving food, and sourdough bread. There have been many ups and downs along the way but we are excited about what the future holds as we continue to learn and grow and build our homestead from the ground up. Thank you for supporting our family and small business by shopping small!!

Contact Us

If you have questions about your order or a future order, please message us here or email us at